CHAK's foundation is drawn from Revelation: 22:2 which states "... on either side of the river was there the tree of life, which bore twelve kinds of fruit and yielded her fruit every month: And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations."
This reflects the vision of CHAK's foundation which is to be that river of life passing through the nation and on each side having trees or Member Health Units that produce good fruits and leaves which in turn provide healing to the sick in our nation.
Our vision
Quality Healthcare for all to the glory of God
Our Mission
To facilitate provision of quality health services through health systems strengthening, innovation, training, advocacy and partnerships as a witness to the healing ministry of Christ.
CHAK’s mandate
CHAK’s mandate is to promote universal access to quality healthcare by building capacity of health workers and facilitating health facilities to deliver accessible, comprehensive quality health services to the people of Kenya and beyond in accordance with Christian values, professional ethics and national health sector policies. CHAK also engages communities to empower them to seek and access quality health care.
Our Values
- Integrity
- Transparency
- Accountability
- Professionalism
- Innovation
- Teamwork