CHAK through its M&E Unit facilitates capacity building and mentorship of MHUs in the application and use of MOH-HMIS Data collection and Reporting Tools. Automation through installation of EMR and use of HMIS systems and MOH-DHIS2 has been scaled up to enhance efficiency and facilitate generation of reports.
Research through surveys, assessments, studies, data collection, operational research generate evidence that can be effectively used to inform policy, strategy and support advocacy initiatives.
The Health sector conducts periodic surveys and various assessments to track the health status in Kenya and identify gaps for systems strengthening. As a key player in the health sector, CHAK participates in the various surveys, assessments and studies that are conducted by the MOH. CHAK MHUs and projects generate service data which is collected, collated, analyzed and feedback provided through reports.
The use of such data in operational research informs strategy review and generates evidence and lessons that support advocacy.