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The CHAK Bread For the World Reproductive, Maternal, Neonatal, Child and Adolescent Health (RMNCAH) project is a three-year programme whose implementation began in 2023. The programme’s aim is to improve universal access to RMNCAH and nutrition services through gender responsive, sustainable and inclusive quality health programmes and services, thus contributing to health outcomes in Kenya.

Broad objective

Health systems are strengthened and access to FP/RMNCAH services scaled up through primary health care strategies for improved mother and child health outcomes (promotive preventive and curative services).

Program coverage

The project is implemented in 60 CHAK member health units in 15 counties of Kenya, namely Homa Bay, Kisumu, Migori, Kisii, Nyamira, Bungoma, Kakamega, West Pokot, Turkana, Isiolo, Marsabit, Kitui, Narok, Makueni and Nakuru.

Project indicators

  1. Improved access and uptake of family planning services - increase uptake by 20 per cent
  2. Improved access and uptake of ANC services by 20 per cent
  3. Improved access and utilization of SBA at health facilities
  4. Improved access and uptake of childhood immunization and treatment of childhood illnesses – 80 per cent of new births are fully immunized at the age of one year
  5. Improved access to prevention and management of HIV (MTC transmission reduced to below five per cent)
  6. Care of women with cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, malaria and TB in pregnancy



1. Community approaches

  • Encourage community-driven approach: capacity building of CHVs (household visits, outreaches, defaulter tracing, demand creation)
  • Psychosocial groups for pregnant women
  • Men dialogue meetings
  • Strengthen referrals and emergency care for mother and babies
  • Health education

2. Health facility approaches

  • Capacity building of health care workers on Focused Ante Natal Care (FANC), adolescent and youth friendly services (AYFS), and newborn care Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI), focused Post Natal Care (PNC)
  • Support supervision, onsite mentorship, CMEs
  • Quality improvement
  • Procure basic live saving equipment and distribute to MHUs
  • Working with counties for commodities, IEC materials, registers, training, support supervision, on-job training

CHAK Bread For the World RMNCAH project Annual Report 2023

News and Highlights

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